ERP Requirements Specification Template 360°
Create a professionally structured ERP requirements specification document with 80% less effort. The tried-and-tested tool for a 360° all-round view of the ERP project guides companies through the entire process of requirements specification, tendering and software selection.
NEW: Including use cases for AI
What does the ERP requirements specification template 360° contain?

The ERP requirements specification template 360° contains an Excel spreadsheet with following worksheets:
General information on using the tool.
19 data points
Company profile including corporate structure.
36 data points
Key data of the ERP project including goals, schedule, team, number of clients and users, type of installation and financing.
59 data points
Documentation of the current data volumes and definition of the required data migration procedures for the new ERP software. Which master data should be transferred to the new ERP system (e.g. customers, suppliers, articles, chart of accounts)? Which transaction data should be transferred using which procedure (e.g. all transactions, opening balances, pending transactions)?
174 x 11 data points und more than 300 additional subfeatures
This is the core area of the requirements specification. Use the standard catalog of processes and functions as a guide, which are clearly structured according to functional areas (e.g. purchasing/procurement, manufacturing, sales, logistics, financial accounting). Select the priority of the required processes/features and benefit from more than 300 specific explanations. Highlight the processes with the greatest potential for optimization.
NEW: Including use cases for AI
25 x 11 data points with additional explanations
Select the relevant application areas for AI (artificial intelligence) for your company from a list of 25 use cases that are currently supported by the various ERP systems. These are divided into the categories (1) UI / Application / Data, (2) Processes / Workflow and (3) Forecast. Use this as inspiration for your project and analyze the costs and benefits for your company.
40 data points
This worksheet is completed by the ERP provider during the tendering process. It contains a wealth of information about the software manufacturer, the software and the provider itself, and thus enables a data-based evaluation of ERP providers.
Product details
- Microsoft Excel spreadsheet including worksheets Notes, Company, Project, Data, Features, AI and Provider
- Hundreds of data points with more than 300 additional explanations
- Microsoft Excel spreadsheet is fully editable
- Includes a 7-page quick-start guide to creating ERP specifications in PDF format
- Language: English
- Price: 190,00 USD / GBP / EUR
Who benefits the most from the ERP requirements specification template 360° ?
For companies with 10 to 1,000 employees, the template is the ideal tool for finding the best possible ERP solution. Years of experience from countless ERP projects have gone into the 360° ERP requirements specification template and it is constantly being expanded and optimized. The template contains a level of detail that keeps the costs and benefits in the right balance, especially for small and medium-sized companies. This is one of the main reasons for the popularity of this tool.
The template guides companies through the entire process of requirements specification, tendering and software selection. It provides the basis,
- to record the requirements systematically and completely,
- to document to them in a structured manner,
- to receive meaningful offers from ERP providers as part of the tendering process,
- to compare these offers with each other in a clear and data-supported manner and ultimately
- to make the decision for the optimal ERP system.
There can be no successful ERP project without professional requirements specification. Because: The requirements specification is the heart of every ERP project.
For more in-depth information about ERP requirements specification documents, see the article ERP Requirements Specification: Document Sample, Checklist, How-To. There you find answers to questions like “What is the purpose of an ERP requirements specification document?” and “What factors determine how the ERP requirements specification document is structured?”.
ERP requirements specification document sample

The ERP requirements specification document sample contains the ERP requirements for a sample company in a selected functional area (sales). The feedback from an imaginary ERP provider is also shown. It is a small excerpt of the “Features” worksheet from our Excel template:
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